I'm coming for you Alzheimer's (Part One)

This post is very personal so I am going to keep it short. One of the reasons why I am writing this is because I need to release some of the emotions I have had for the past few years due to it. I need to get it off my chest basically.

 If you are a family member and you are reading this and you don't like it then I am not sorry. Like I said it is personal but I am purely doing this to spread awareness about this awful disease and that is what I plan to do.

This is the story about Alzheimer's Disease.

In 2008, my grandma, Nancy, passed away from the disease. It was very hard for me to cope as I was only young and her funeral was the first one I had ever been too. I just didn't know why one of the most kind, loving and beautiful person I loved had this disease and had tragically died from it.

My amazing grandma and me
During her last few years, she lived in a nursing home. I visited her once, something in which I will ALWAYS regret.

I hated the fact that she had no idea who I was, not recognising her only granddaughter. It broke my heart.

Although it has been 6 years since she passed, I always think about my grandma and my grandpa, who died in 2003. I do things that will make them proud as I know that they are looking down on me as they dance together again.

The point of this post wasn't to gain sympathy or "I'm sorry for your loss" comments etc but to raise awareness for such a terrible, life changing and one of the worst diseases to have.
According to Alzheimer's Society, 60,000 people a year die from the disease and this needs to stop. It has to be lowered.
It is literally the worst thing I have ever experienced, seeing some so dear and who you love with all of your heart just deteriorate right in front of your eyes. I would not wish it upon my worst enemy.

These are some useful websites from NHS and the Alzheimer's Society. They helped me understand what was happening and if you are worried about a loved one or if you want more information about the disease then here they are:

List of Symptoms: http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Alzheimers-disease/Pages/Symptoms.aspx

Top tips to reduce the risk of Dementia:

Other shocking statistics about the disease:

I am currently in the plans of doing something to raise money for the charity Alzheimer's Society so if you have any suggests then tell me, it will help a lot!

Please help raise awareness for Alzheimer's Disease and donate:
via website- http://www.alzheimers.org.uk/donate
via telephone- 0845 306 0898
via post- Alzheimer's Society
58 St Katharine's Way, London, E1W 1LB

via text(donation of £5)- 'CURE' to 70555.

So here is to you, Grandma! Rest in peace, sleep tight and I love you, forever and always x

(22:11pm- Such a weird coincidence but I have literally just found out that today is also National Dementia Carers' Day)
Until next time
All photographs are my own!


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